TEXTS: Romans 4: 17-22
Any promise made by God to His children indicates two things: (a) it reveals God’s perfect will, direction and desire for them (b) it shows that they should put on the whole arm our of God and begin to fight to have the promise. Many have been robbed of every valuable promise and blessing in the past because they thought if God had promised them anything, it will automatically be fulfilled whether they do something about it or not. This is a deception of the enemy.
Whatever promises the Lord has made to you, whether through the word of knowledge or prophecies from His anointed or His written word, would either be fulfilled or not, depending on certain conditions such as:
The scriptures contain several promises God wants to bring to fulfillment in your life. The fulfillment of these promises, however, depends wholly on you. DO you believe them? Do you pray and release your faith for their fulfillment in your life? Do you keep away sin from your heart and hands? Are you busy doing the will of your Father?